The equation y=15x-100 describes the amount of money a high school class might earn from a paper drive. What are the slope and y-intercept for this equation?

Slope is the coefficent of x, and the y intercept is the value of y when x=0

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To find the slope and y-intercept for the equation y = 15x - 100, we can apply the knowledge that the slope is the coefficient of x, and the y-intercept is the value of y when x=0.

In this equation, the coefficient of x is 15. Therefore, the slope is 15.

To determine the y-intercept, we need to find the value of y when x=0.
Substituting x=0 into the equation, we get:
y = 15(0) - 100
y = -100

Hence, the y-intercept is -100.

Therefore, the slope of the equation y = 15x - 100 is 15, and the y-intercept is -100.