I need some help on the General Information of China for class. I'm doing a worksheet and there's a question I'm kind of stuck on.

The main way personal communication in China takes place by the _____________.

My first guess is technology, because the 2nd part of the question is "Describe the use of radio, television, and telephone system in China." I'm just confused by the way it's worded, especially the part where it says "takes place". Is it a location then? Thanks much 4 help.

The wording "takes place" in that context simply means "happens" -- has nothing to do with a place.

My guess is that, currently, personal communication in China takes place face-to-face. There may be quite a bit of technology of various kinds in the cities, but not in the huge, rural parts of the country.


Other tutors may have more to add.


The main way personal communication in China takes place by the China Telecom Corporation

To get a more accurate and up-to-date answer to your question, you can research online or refer to reputable sources on China's communication systems. Here's a step-by-step process on how you can find the answer:

1. Use a search engine like Google to search for information on personal communication in China.
2. Enter keywords such as "personal communication in China" or "methods of communication in China."
3. Look for reputable sources such as government websites, academic articles, or news outlets to gather reliable information. Websites with domains like .gov or .edu are generally more credible.
4. Scan through the search results and click on the most relevant sources that provide information about personal communication in China.
5. Read through the articles or reports to understand the main methods of communication used by people in China. Pay attention to any mentions of specific telecommunication companies or systems.
6. Take notes or summarize the information you find, focusing on the main methods of personal communication mentioned in the sources you trust.

By following these steps, you can gather reliable information on how personal communication takes place in China, including the main methods used.