Do poor people have the same expectations in life as rich people>

Expectations for what? Life goals? What's for dinner tomorrow? Their golf scores? Geeze kido, can you narrow it down a bit?

It also depends on which poor people you are discussing. If poor people are unaware of better standards of living, they will not have the same expectations as those who live in those better conditions.

I hope this helps a little bit. Thanks for asking.

Defining the term, poor people, is necessary before answering your question. What does it mean to be "poor?" Do you mean poor in America? Poor in Liberia or Iran? Poor in money availability, in opportunities, in a caring family, or in talent?

Then, once you know what you mean by "poor," you can go on to decide what you mean by "expectations." Do you mean an interesting job, high salary, an education, or just finding the next meal?

THEN, you need to decide what "rich" means. Rich in money, talent, love, experience? You need to know what you are asking before you can expect to find an answer.

The question of whether poor people have the same expectations in life as rich people is a complex one as expectations can vary greatly depending on individual circumstances and cultural factors. However, it is important to note that expectations are shaped by several factors, including socio-economic status, education, opportunities, and personal experiences.

To better understand the expectations of different groups, one could start by examining the role of socio-economic status. Generally, people from higher socio-economic backgrounds may have greater access to resources, opportunities, and networks, which can shape their expectations for success, wealth, and social mobility. On the other hand, individuals from lower socio-economic backgrounds may face more barriers and limited opportunities, which can influence their expectations.

Education also plays a significant role in shaping expectations. Access to quality education can expose individuals to a wider range of possibilities and help them develop higher aspirations. On the other hand, limited access to education can result in lower expectations due to a lack of exposure to opportunities or a belief that certain goals are unattainable.

The cultural context is also important to consider. Different cultures may have varying beliefs and norms regarding success, happiness, and quality of life. This can shape the expectations of individuals within those cultures, regardless of their socio-economic status.

To gain a better understanding of the expectations of different groups, it would be helpful to conduct research, surveys, or interviews that explore the attitudes, aspirations, and goals of individuals across different socio-economic backgrounds. By gathering data, analyzing trends, and considering various factors, one can gain insights into the similarities and differences in expectations between poor and rich individuals.

In summary, while it is difficult to make broad generalizations, the expectations of poor people and rich people may differ due to a range of factors, including socio-economic status, education, opportunities, and cultural context. Exploring these factors can provide a more nuanced understanding of the diverse expectations individuals may have in different circumstances.