K so this time it is basic concept and I am suppose to guess what happens, so I've written the cause but I have also written my answer to the reaction and effect.

so for:
A + B <=> C

stress: A is increased
reaction: forward
effect:[A]increased [B] inc [C]inc

Stress: B is removed
Effect: [A]decreases [B] dec [C]dec

stress: C is removed
reaction: reverse
effect:[A]decreases [B] dec [C]dec

stress: system is heated
reaction: reverse
effect: [A]decreases [B] dec [C]dec

stress:pressure increased
reaction: forward
effect: [A]decreases [B] dec [C]dec

A + B <=> C

stress: A is increased
reaction: forward
effect:[A]increased [B] inc [C]inc

You seem to have missed something and I'm not sure what it is so I will go through this part and leave the others for you to redo. Parts of the other are right but some are wrong.
If A is increased, the reaction SHIFTS to the right (your answer is correct). If the reaction shifts to the right, that means MORE C must be formed (look at the arrow--it points to the right). B will decrease because some of it is used up to produce C. A will actually increase but it will increase only slightly; that is, it will not be the sum of what you started with + what you added because some of it is used up to add to B to form more C. End result. C increases, B decreases, A increases slightly.
Finally, with no indication of heat (is this an endothermic or exothermic reaction) or if A, B, and C are gases are not, we can't answer the question on T and P.

A + B <=> C

Stress: A is increased
Reaction: Forward
Effect: [A]increased, [B] decreased, [C]increased

Stress: B is removed
Reaction: Reverse
Effect: [A]decreased, [B] remains unchanged, [C]decreased

Stress: C is removed
Reaction: Reverse
Effect: [A] remains unchanged, [B] remains unchanged, [C]decreased

Stress: System is heated
Reaction: It depends on whether the reaction is exothermic or endothermic. If it is exothermic, the reaction shifts to the reverse side to absorb the heat. If it is endothermic, the reaction shifts to the forward side to produce more heat.
Effect: The concentrations of A, B, and C will change, but the specific changes depend on the specific reaction and its equilibrium constant.

Stress: Pressure increased
Reaction: It depends on the number of moles of gas on each side of the reaction. If there are more moles of gas on the left side, the reaction will shift to the right to reduce the pressure. If there are more moles of gas on the right side, the reaction will shift to the left to increase the pressure.
Effect: The concentrations of A, B, and C will change, but the specific changes depend on the specific reaction and the stoichiometry of the gases involved.