Do you know the story about "The Old Man" by Daphne du Maurier?

I've never read it, but someone else might have.

Here are search results for that title and author:

and here is one review of a book in which this story is included:

What is your question about this story?


Thanks a lot thanks! mucho gracias!

You're welcome! It seems like you're interested in learning about the story "The Old Man" by Daphne du Maurier. Although I don't have direct knowledge of this specific story, I can definitely help you find information about it.

One way to learn more about "The Old Man" is by conducting a search on search engines like Google. I found a link to a search result that includes the title and author you mentioned: "The Old Man" by Daphne du Maurier. You can visit that link to explore the search results and potentially find more information, reviews, or analysis of the story.

Additionally, I discovered a review of a book that includes "The Old Man" as one of its stories. You can follow the provided link to read the review and gain some insights about the story within the broader context of the book it is included in.

By utilizing these resources, you should be able to gather information about the story and learn more about it.