You are asked to write a program for the course calculator to help a fellow student practise changing the subject of a formula. The formula will be of the type Y = AX + B, with different integer values of A and B, and the student is to rearrange the formula so that X becomes the subject. Begin by writing instructions for the user explaining how to change the subject of a formula of this type from Y to X.

cod sum1 explain 2me on how to make X the subject.. and wat exactly is this question asking from me??

Y = AX + B means that the value of Y depends on the value of A, X and B.

I believe the question is asking you to re-write the equation in terms of X. In other words, write the equation so that the value of X depends on A, B and Y.

To change the subject of the formula Y = AX + B and make X the subject, you will need to isolate X on one side of the equation.

Here are the steps to follow:

1. Start with the equation Y = AX + B.

2. Subtract B from both sides of the equation to isolate the term with AX:
Y - B = AX.

3. Divide both sides of the equation by A to isolate X:
(Y - B) / A = X.

So, the formula rearranged with X as the subject is: X = (Y - B) / A.

This means that the value of X depends on the values of Y, A, and B.

Now, given different integer values of A, B, and Y, you can substitute those values into the formula X = (Y - B) / A to calculate the value of X.