-3(x +8) = -6 I keep getting it wrong. Help

x+8 = -6/-3 - = 2
x = -6

compare the numbers -2.002 and -2.02 using an inequality.

compare the numbers -2.002 and -2.02 using an inequality.it is 2 because there is no diferrence!

To compare the numbers -2.002 and -2.02 using an inequality, we need to determine which number is greater.

Step 1: Write the numbers as decimals or fractions, if necessary. In this case, both numbers are already written as decimals.

Step 2: Compare the digits from left to right until you find a difference. In this case, we can see that the numbers are different starting from the hundredth place (-2.00[2] vs -2.0[2]0).

Step 3: Compare the different digits. In this case, the digit in the hundredth place is larger in -2.002 (2) than in -2.02 (0).

Step 4: Use the greater than (>) or less than (<) symbols to indicate the comparison. In this case, we can say that -2.002 is greater than -2.02.

Therefore, we can write the inequality as: -2.002 > -2.02.