I can't to get this problem.

Perform the indicated operation

11 -6/7 -7
Can someone help me???

Of course! I can help you with that problem. To perform this operation, we need to follow the order of operations, also known as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division - from left to right, Addition and Subtraction - from left to right).

The expression you provided is: 11 - 6/7 - 7.

Step 1: Simplify division
From left to right, let's start by simplifying the division.

6/7: This is a fraction, so to simplify, we put the numerator (the number above the line) over the denominator (the number below the line), which gives us 6/7.

Step 2: Perform subtraction
Now, let's perform the subtraction in the order given.

11 - 6/7 = 77/7 - 6/7 = (77 - 6)/7 = 71/7.

Step 3: Perform another subtraction
Finally, we have 71/7 - 7. To subtract fractions, we need them to have a common denominator.

To get a common denominator, we multiply the denominator of 71/7 (which is 7) by the denominator of 7 to get 49. This gives us:

71/7 - 7 = 71/7 - 49/7 = (71 - 49)/7 = 22/7.

Therefore, the final result is 22/7.