What was Wilson’s slogan for entering World War I? Why was his slogan invalid at the time? What happened later in Russia, which provided how invalid was his slogan?


To find information about Wilson's slogan for entering World War I, you can use a search engine like Google. By searching for "Wilson's slogan for entering World War I" in the provided link, you will likely find relevant information.

Woodrow Wilson's slogan for entering World War I was "Make the world safe for democracy." However, at the time, his slogan was considered invalid because it was seen as a justification for the United States to intervene in the war. Critics argued that Wilson was using the idea of spreading democracy as a cover for pursuing national interests.

Following World War I, a significant event occurred in Russia: the Russian Revolution. The revolution resulted in the overthrow of the Russian monarchy and the establishment of a communist government. This event showed the invalidity of Wilson's slogan, as it demonstrated that simply spreading democracy was not the sole solution for world peace and stability.