I dunno.

Why don't u wait 4 a teacher 2 answer that?
I guess any grade that can type and ask Qs.

any grade.

It seems like you're unsure about the appropriate grade level for using this platform and asking questions. In general, anyone from any grade level can use this platform to ask questions. It is not limited to any specific grade.

As for the appropriateness of asking questions here instead of waiting for a teacher to answer, this platform is designed to provide quick and efficient answers. While it is always beneficial to discuss and seek guidance from teachers, using this platform allows you to get answers in a timely manner. However, it's important to keep in mind that this platform may not be a substitute for the expertise and personalized guidance of a teacher. So, if you have a complex or specific question, it may still be valuable to seek input from your teacher or an expert in that particular subject.