I seem silly asking this question but....

How does a table of contents look like?
I forgot.

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. The Table of Contents in ANY book that you are familiar with, will give you an idea of the format. Also, here is an example:


A table of contents is a list of the headings or chapters in a book, document, or other written work, along with their respective page numbers. It helps readers navigate through the material and locate specific topics or sections.

To create a table of contents, you need to follow these steps:

1. Start by identifying the main sections or chapters in your document. These could be numbered chapters, titled sections, or any other organizational structure that makes sense for your content.

2. Assign page numbers to each section, ideally after you have finished writing and formatting the entire document. This ensures that the page numbers in the table of contents are accurate.

3. Create a separate page for the table of contents, usually located at the beginning of the document.

4. List the headings or chapter titles in the order they appear in the document. Each entry should include the title and the corresponding page number.

5. Format the table of contents, ensuring that the heading titles are aligned, numbered appropriately, and the page numbers are accurate.

6. For longer documents, you can include a hierarchical structure, using subheadings and indentations to show the relationship between sections.

7. Finally, double-check the table of contents to make sure it accurately reflects the structure and page numbers of the document.

Remember, the specific formatting of a table of contents, such as font size, spacing, and style, may vary depending on the document's guidelines or the publisher's requirements.