Express in exponential form:

y = -log x with base 2

the - in front is like a -1 multiplied so write it as
y = log2 x-1

then 2y = 1/x

To express y = -log x with base 2 in exponential form, you can rewrite it as y = log2(x^-1).

In logarithms, a negative sign in front of the logarithm is equivalent to the reciprocal of the argument inside the logarithm. So, x^-1 is the reciprocal of x.

Now, we can write y = log2(x^-1) as 2^y = x^-1.

In exponential form, the base (2 in this case) is raised to the power of the exponent (y) to equal the result (x^-1). The reciprocal of x is written as x^-1.