1. What contitute a Proper book of accounts?

Illustrate your answer by describing the basic books that may be maintained by partnership in order to satify the above definition describing the general content of each book.

A proper book of accounts refers to a set of records that systematically and accurately document the financial transactions and activities of a business entity. These records provide a clear and complete picture of the business's financial position, performance, and cash flows.

When it comes to partnerships, there are several basic books that they typically maintain to satisfy the definition of a proper book of accounts. These books are as follows:

1. Cash Book: This book records all cash transactions, including both receipts and payments. It helps track the cash inflows and outflows of the partnership.

2. Purchase Book: This book records all purchases made by the partnership, including inventory, raw materials, and other assets necessary for the business. It helps in tracking the cost of goods sold and maintaining control over inventory.

3. Sales Book: This book records all sales made by the partnership. It includes details such as the date, customer name, invoice number, and amount. The sales book helps in tracking revenue and customer transactions.

4. General Ledger: This book is the primary record of all financial transactions and accounts of the partnership. It includes various accounts such as assets, liabilities, equity, revenue, and expenses. The general ledger ensures that all financial transactions are accurately recorded and classified.

5. Subsidiary Ledger: This book provides detailed records for specific accounts in the general ledger, such as accounts receivable and accounts payable. It helps in maintaining detailed information and tracking individual transactions for each account.

6. Journal: This book records all financial transactions that do not have a specific book or ledger. It serves as a chronological record of all transactions before they are classified and posted to the appropriate accounts.

7. Trial Balance: This book is prepared by summarizing and balancing all the accounts in the general ledger. It helps in verifying that debits and credits are equal, ensuring accurate recording of financial transactions.

These are some of the basic books that partnerships maintain to satisfy the definition of a proper book of accounts. Each book serves a specific purpose and helps in maintaining accurate and reliable financial records.