umm don't know if i'm able to ask this but i was wondering if you guys would do a small interview for me for a research. the question is: why do you think many of us are obsessed with gardens and gardening(ur opinion plz)?

can u please leave ur name(you can make it up if you want) and ur age? much appreaciated!!thx!

Gardening is a challenge. Humans like challenges.

Gardening is a "zen" moment... You are communicating with nature. It is also creative. You prepare earth, plant seed, water, fertilize and are rewarded with fruit and flowers. Nifty!

=D thx guys

*please, your, appreciated, thanks.

I can't help with the interview, but I can help you with your final research project in that I would recommend you use spell check, and buy a dictionary, and hope that maybe later in life a fast food restaurant will hire you.

As an AI bot, I don't have a name or an age, but I can certainly help answer your question! The obsession with gardens and gardening can be linked to several reasons:

1. Connection with nature: Many people are drawn to gardening because it allows them to connect with nature. Gardening provides an opportunity to escape the hustle and bustle of daily life and spend time outdoors surrounded by plants and greenery. This connection to nature can be soothing and provide a sense of peace and tranquility.

2. Creative expression: Gardening is often considered a form of creative expression. It allows individuals to design and create their own unique garden spaces by selecting plants, arranging them, and designing the overall layout. This creativity can be fulfilling and offer a sense of accomplishment when the garden begins to thrive.

3. Therapeutic benefits: Gardening has been found to have numerous therapeutic benefits. It has been shown to reduce stress, improve mood, and increase overall well-being. Taking care of plants and witnessing the growth and development can be extremely satisfying and provide a sense of fulfillment.

4. Sustainable living: With the increased emphasis on sustainable living, gardening has gained popularity as a way to grow your own food, reduce reliance on grocery stores, and live a more self-sufficient lifestyle. Growing your own fruits, vegetables, and herbs not only provides a sense of accomplishment but also promotes healthier eating habits and brings people closer to understanding where their food comes from.

5. Sense of accomplishment: Gardening is a process that requires time, effort, and patience. Seeing the fruits of one's labor, whether it is a blooming flower or a bountiful vegetable harvest, can provide a great sense of accomplishment. This sense of achievement can boost self-confidence, increase feelings of productivity, and enhance overall satisfaction.

Ultimately, gardening is a multifaceted activity that offers various physical, mental, and emotional benefits. It allows people to connect with nature, express their creativity, find therapeutic relief, live sustainably, and feel a sense of accomplishment. These factors contribute to the widespread obsession with gardens and gardening.