need some help..waht is predicate, predicator and predication in this sentence:

Twenty years ago London could have claimed the title "Smog City,Europe".

Writeacher has given good information here.

ok i can understand what predicator and predicate is, but what is predication in a sentence?
f.e. We have been brought up by un uncle.

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Predication is the act of creating a predicate. In your example, the predicate (everything except the subject, WE) is correctly predicated. If it had said something like: "Under the revised plan, the elderly, who now receive a double personal exemption, will be abolished" then the predication would be faulty. The sentence, as it stands, actually says that the ELDERLY will be abolished, not the intended EXEMPTION.

higher taxes were often the result of roman census

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I apologize for the broken links. To understand predication in a sentence, let's break down the example you provided: "We have been brought up by an uncle."

In this sentence, the subject is "we." The predicate is "have been brought up by an uncle." This predicate includes the verb phrase "have been brought up" and the object "by an uncle."

Predication refers to the act of creating a predicate in a sentence. It involves forming the verb phrase and connecting it with the subject and any objects or complements.

To identify the predication in a sentence, you can follow these steps:
1. Identify the subject of the sentence.
2. Look for the verb phrase, which includes the main verb and any auxiliary (helping) verbs.
3. Check for objects or complements that are part of the predicate.

In the example sentence, "have been brought up" is the verb phrase, and "uncle" is the object. So, the predication is the entire predicate "have been brought up by an uncle."

I hope this explanation helps! If you have any further questions, feel free to ask.