If you wanted your program to respond to an event every 5 seconds, you would use the ________control.


having problems getting the name from my txtName box to show up on my lblmessage box. I am working on a simple program that one types there name at the top, click on a rad button, then there name and the abbreviation for a state shows up. But I can get the abbrevaition message to show but not the name from the text box?

To get the name from the txtName box to show up on lblmessage box, you need to make sure that you are accessing the correct values from the text box and correctly assigning the value to the label.

Here's an example of how you can do it in C#:

string name = txtName.Text; // Get the value from the text box

if (radButton.Checked)
string stateAbbreviation = "STATE"; // Abbreviation for the state (replace with the actual abbreviation you want to show)
lblmessage.Text = name + " " + stateAbbreviation; // Assign the value to the label

In this example, `txtName` is the name of your text box and `lblmessage` is the name of your label. Make sure you have correctly named them in your code.

You can access the value from the text box using the `Text` property of the text box control. Then, you can concatenate the name with the abbreviation for the state using the `+` operator and assign the concatenated value to the `Text` property of the label.

Remember to place this code inside the event handler of the rad button's click event or any other appropriate event handler in your program.

If you are still having trouble, please provide more specific details or share your code, so that I can assist you further.