Was monotheism a genuine introduction by Islam or was it an old idea borrowed from other cultures?

Monotheism was around long before Islam. The Christians and Jews are Monotheists.

Monotheism, although there is debate over whether there were likely Monotheistic religions before this, is generally believed by most experts to be started with the Jewish Faith.



Akhenaten was an Egyptian pharaoh who was "notable for attempting to single-handedly restructure the Egyptian religion to monotheistically worship the Aten." He may have been contemporary with the early Hebrews, but he certainly pre-dated Christians and Muslims.

Interesting discussion. Not a place for debate on it, but you definitely get 2 views here.

So what's a good student to do? Research both answers and come to your own conclusion with evidence. I could argue what I think well. I could take Writeacher's post and argue against it (or for it). But in this forum, it's our job to present you with different ideas and say "go for it and argue it however you like. Just make sure to back up what you say with evidence."


Monotheism is not a concept introduced by Islam. It is an idea that predates Islam and can be traced back to ancient civilizations. While the Islamic faith emphasizes the belief in only one God, known in Arabic as Allah, the concept of monotheism was already present in other religions prior to the advent of Islam.

One of the oldest known monotheistic religions is Judaism, which dates back over 3,000 years. Jewish scriptures, such as the Hebrew Bible (also known as the Old Testament), emphasize the belief in one God. Christianity, which emerged from Jewish roots, also upholds monotheism and believes in the oneness of God.

Furthermore, historical evidence suggests that there were other ancient civilizations that practiced forms of monotheism. For example, during the reign of the Egyptian pharaoh Akhenaten in the 14th century BCE, there was an attempt to establish a monotheistic worship of the god Aten. While this experiment did not last long, it demonstrates that monotheistic ideas existed prior to Islam.

To determine the origins of monotheism, it is important to study the history of different religions and civilizations, their beliefs, and their religious texts. Examining the archaeological and historical records, as well as scholarly research, can provide a comprehensive understanding of how and when the concept of monotheism emerged in human history.

In conclusion, although Islam emphasizes monotheism, the concept of belief in one God existed before Islam and can be traced back to earlier civilizations and religions. Monotheism is not a concept introduced solely by Islam but has been present in various forms throughout human history.