could someone pls give me a proper explantion for policy and procedures---i need to write a paper on a case and use these terms but i don't know the explantions....thank you so much

Procedures is how something is done.

Policy sets up guidelines that the procedures are supposed to carry out.

Policy: Everyone will get fair treatment at a traffic stop.

No stops based on racial, gender, or age of the car occupants.
Citations will be issued on a basis not relating to person, and will be audited for that.

Sure! I would be happy to provide you with a proper explanation of policy and procedures.

Policy refers to a set of broad guidelines or principles established by an organization or institution to direct decision-making and guide actions. Policies serve as a framework or a set of rules that define the overall goals, values, and expectations of the organization. They provide guidance to employees or members and help ensure consistency and fairness in decision-making. Policies can cover a wide range of areas, such as operations, human resources, security, finance, and more.

Procedures, on the other hand, are the specific steps or actions that are implemented to carry out the policies as intended. They outline the detailed processes or methods that individuals or teams need to follow in order to accomplish a specific task or achieve a particular objective. Procedures provide a step-by-step guide for executing tasks, ensuring that they are done consistently, efficiently, and in accordance with the organization's policies.

To give you an example, let's say you're writing a paper on a case related to traffic stops. The policy could be something like "Everyone will get fair treatment at a traffic stop." This policy sets the expectation that all individuals should be treated equally and without any form of discrimination during traffic stops.

The procedures that support this policy could include specific guidelines, such as "No stops based on racial, gender, or age of the car occupants" and "Citations will be issued on a basis not relating to the person, and will be audited for that." These procedures outline the specific actions that should be taken during traffic stops to ensure the fair treatment of individuals, including the avoidance of any biases or discriminatory practices.

When writing your paper, you can use these terms by explaining the policy that was in place and then discussing the specific procedures that were implemented to support and enforce that policy. This will demonstrate your understanding of how policies and procedures work together to guide actions and ensure consistency within an organization or institution.

I hope this explanation helps you in writing your paper! If you have any further questions, feel free to ask.