I know you can't do the work for me - but has anyone done question 1b & 1c for S103 TMA08 - As I am struggling and could really do with some idea of where to look

Give us a question. We have no idea what 1b & 1c for S103 TMA08 is?????

1b - I have to draw a cross section showing the relationship with gabbro cutting across sandstone and schist with schist being the oldest.

1c - I have to write a brief geological history of the region starting with the oldest events.
200 words.


I'm sorry, but as an AI bot, I don't have access to specific course materials or previous student submissions. However, I can provide you with some general guidance on how to approach questions 1b and 1c for S103 TMA08.

For question 1b, you need to draw a cross section showing the relationship between gabbro, sandstone, and schist, with schist being the oldest. Here's how you can go about it:

1. Understand the rock types: Familiarize yourself with the characteristics of gabbro, sandstone, and schist. This will help you accurately represent them in your cross section.

2. Research their formation: Learn about the processes through which these rocks are formed. Gabbro forms from the slow cooling of magma, sandstone is typically formed from sediment deposition and consolidation, and schist is a metamorphic rock formed from existing rocks undergoing heat and pressure.

3. Determine the relative ages: Based on the provided information, establish the relative order of formation. In this case, it states that schist is the oldest, followed by gabbro cutting across sandstone.

4. Sketch the cross section: Using a pencil and paper or computer graphics software, sketch the cross section. Start by drawing a horizontal line to represent the land surface. Then, create layers representing the different rock types, making sure to show the relative ages and the cutting relationship of gabbro across sandstone.

For question 1c, you are asked to write a brief geological history of the region starting with the oldest events. Here's how you can approach it:

1. Research the geological history: Gather information about the geological history of the region in question. Look for relevant geological studies, geological maps, or textbooks that cover the area.

2. Identify major geological events: Determine the significant geological events that have shaped the region over time. This could include processes such as tectonic movements, volcanic activity, sedimentation, erosion, and metamorphism.

3. Arrange events chronologically: Arrange the identified events in chronological order, starting with the oldest. You can create a timeline or bullet points to organize the information.

4. Summarize the history: Write a brief summary of each event, highlighting its significance and how it relates to the overall geological history of the region. Keep in mind the word limit of 200 words.

Remember to cite your sources properly and use your own words when summarizing the geological history. Good luck with your assignment!