The parallax of the red giant Betelguese is just barely measurable and has a value of about 0.005 arc seconds. What is its distance? Suppose the measurement is in error by + or -0.003 arc seconds. What limits can you set on its distance?

To determine the distance to Betelgeuse, we can use the concept of parallax. Parallax is the apparent shift in the position of an object when observed from different points. By measuring the parallax angle, we can calculate the distance to the object.

First, let's define the formula relating distance, parallax angle, and arc seconds:

Distance (in parsecs) = 1 / parallax angle (in arc seconds)

Given that the parallax angle of Betelgeuse is 0.005 arc seconds, we can calculate the distance:

Distance = 1 / 0.005 = 200 parsecs

Now, let's consider the error range mentioned (+/- 0.003 arc seconds) and calculate the lower and upper limits of the distance:

Lower limit: Distance = 1 / (0.005 + 0.003) = 1 / 0.008 = 125 parsecs

Upper limit: Distance = 1 / (0.005 - 0.003) = 1 / 0.002 = 500 parsecs

Therefore, the limits we can set for the distance to Betelgeuse are between 125 and 500 parsecs.