A wave traveling in the +x direction has an amplitude of 0.45 m, a speed of 6.1 m/s, and a frequency of 16 Hz. Write the equation of the wave in the form given by either Equation 16.3 or 16.4. (Answer in terms of t and x. Assume standard units.)

You have not provided the Equation forms mentioned.

This question requires that you enter your response in symbolic format.

To do this, type your answer into the answer box using standard calculator notation.
You will be given credit for any formula that is evaluated to be equivalent to the answer formula.

For example, 4x+12 would be equivalent to 4(x+3).

Use pi to represent the symbol , 3.14 is a numerical approximation of the symbol and these are not equivalent.

Case must match exactly, however type style and character formatting can be ignored. For example, if a lowercase italic variable g is used in the question, just type lowercase g.

Available operators



+ for addition x+1
- for subtraction or the negative sign x-1, or -x
* or nothing for multiplication 4*x or 4x
/ for division x/4
** or ^ for exponential x**3 or x^3
( ) where necessary to group terms 4/(x+1), or 3(x+1)
abs() to take the absolute value of a variable or expression. abs(-5) = 5

Available operators



sin, cos, tan, sec, csc, cot, asin, acos, atan functions
(angle x expressed in radians) sin(2x)
sqrt() for square root of an expression sqrt(x/5)
x^(1/n) for the nth root of a number x^(1/3) or (x-3)^(1/5)
pi for 3.14159.... 2 pi x
e for scientific notation 1e3 = 1000
ln() for natural log ln(x)
exp() for "e to the
power of" exp(x) = ex

we are in the same class

To write the equation of the wave in the given form, we need to use the wave equation:

y(x, t) = A * sin(kx - ωt + φ)

- y(x, t) is the displacement of the wave at position x and time t
- A is the amplitude of the wave
- k is the wave number (2π/λ), where λ is the wavelength
- ω is the angular frequency (2πf), where f is the frequency
- φ is the phase constant

First, let's find the values of k and ω:

Given: A = 0.45 m, v = 6.1 m/s, f = 16 Hz

The wave equation tells us that v = λf, where λ is the wavelength. Rearranging the equation, we have:

λ = v/f

Substituting the given values:

λ = 6.1 m/s / 16 Hz ≈ 0.38125 m

Next, we can find k and ω using the formulas:

k = 2π / λ
ω = 2πf

Substituting the values:

k = 2π / 0.38125 m ≈ 16.516 rad/m
ω = 2π * 16 Hz ≈ 100.531 rad/s

Now we have all the values needed to write the equation. However, we still need to find the phase constant φ.

To find the phase constant φ, we need additional information about the wave, such as its initial position or initial velocity, which is not provided in your question. Without this information, we cannot determine the specific value of φ.

Therefore, we can write the equation of the wave as:

y(x, t) = 0.45 * sin(16.516x - 100.531t + φ)

But the value of φ is unknown without extra information.