
how many gallon quart cup??

These conversions should help:
* 3 teaspoons / tablespoon
* 2 tablespoons / ounce
* 8 ounces / cup
* 2 cups / pint
* 2 pints / quart
* 4 quarts / gallon
For example, there are 3x2x8 = 48 tsp per cup. If you multiply that by 16 cups/qallon, you get 768 tsp/qallon.
1248 tsp is 1248/768 = 1.63 gallons

To convert 1248 teaspoons to gallons, quarts, and cups, we can use the conversion factors provided. Let's break it down step by step:

1. Convert teaspoons to cups:
Since there are 48 teaspoons in a cup (3 teaspoons/tablespoon * 2 tablespoons/ounce * 8 ounces/cup), divide 1248 by 48 to find the number of cups.
1248 teaspoons / 48 teaspoons/cup = 26 cups

2. Convert cups to quarts:
Since there are 4 cups in a quart (2 cups/pint * 2 pints/quart), divide the number of cups by 4 to find the number of quarts.
26 cups / 4 cups/quart = 6.5 quarts

3. Convert quarts to gallons:
Since there are 4 quarts in a gallon (4 quarts/gallon), divide the number of quarts by 4 to find the number of gallons.
6.5 quarts / 4 quarts/gallon = 1.625 gallons (or 1 gallon and 0.625 quarts)

So, 1248 teaspoons is equivalent to 1.625 gallons, 6.5 quarts, or 26 cups.