Political institutions can present both obstacles and opportunities to racial minority groups in their efforts to gain political influence.

(a) Identify one feature of one of the following and explain how that feature has presented obstacles to racial minority groups in their efforts to achieve political goals.

• Federalism
• The United States political party system
• The United States electoral system
(b) Identify one feature of one of the following and explain how that feature might present opportunities to racial minority groups in their efforts to achieve political goals.

• Federalism
• The United States political party system
• The United States electoral system

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(a) One feature of the United States electoral system that has presented obstacles to racial minority groups in their efforts to achieve political goals is gerrymandering. Gerrymandering is the practice of drawing electoral district boundaries in a way that favors one political party or racial group over another. This can be done by manipulating the shape of the districts to concentrate or dilute the voting power of racial minority groups. By doing so, it can make it more difficult for those groups to elect representatives who represent their interests and concerns.

To understand this feature and how it presents obstacles, you can research specific cases of gerrymandering and its effects on racial minority groups. Look for examples where district lines were manipulated to dilute the voting power of a particular racial group, resulting in the underrepresentation of that group in local, state, or federal offices. You can also examine studies and reports by reputable organizations that analyze the impact of gerrymandering on political representation and racial equality.

(b) One feature of the United States political party system that can present opportunities to racial minority groups in their efforts to achieve political goals is the existence of minority-focused or minority-led political organizations within major political parties. These organizations, such as the Congressional Black Caucus or the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, provide platforms for racial minority groups to voice their concerns, advocate for policies that benefit their communities, and mobilize support within the political party.

To understand this feature and how it might present opportunities, you can explore the history and work of these minority-focused political organizations. Look for examples where these organizations have successfully influenced policy decisions, advocated for legislative changes, or provided a platform for racial minority politicians to gain visibility and influence within their respective party. You can also research the formation and evolution of these organizations, examining their mission, objectives, and impact on racial minority representation and political power.

Remember, while these explanations provide a starting point, it is essential to conduct comprehensive research and consult diverse sources to develop a well-rounded understanding of the subject.