My teacher is having us do old Living Environment exams as practice for the Regents in June. We have to do them for homework, and I'm stuck on this one:

A rock sample containing cementing material, shell fragment, Feldspar fragment, and Quartz fragment would best be classified as__________

Could it be "a"?
I really don't know, I don't remember learning about rocks at all.....

Sounds like sedimentary to me. Check the definition of sedimentary rocks.

Definition of scince

its A

To answer this question, you need to understand the characteristics of different types of rocks. Let's break it down:

1. Volcanic rocks (option "a") are formed from volcanic activity and are typically composed of solidified lava or magma. They are usually formed from the cooling and solidification of molten material. Based on the given rock sample, it doesn't seem to contain any volcanic components.

2. Sedimentary rocks (option "b") are formed through the accumulation and compaction of sediment. Sediments can include particles that come from weathering and erosion of pre-existing rocks, such as fragments of other rocks, shells, or cemented materials. The presence of cementing material, shell fragments, feldspar fragments, and quartz fragments in the rock sample suggests that it could be a sedimentary rock.

3. Metamorphic rocks (option "c") are formed when existing rocks undergo significant changes due to high heat, pressure, or chemical processes. The given rock sample does not show any signs of having undergone such changes, so it is unlikely to be a metamorphic rock.

4. Igneous rocks (option "d") form from the solidification of molten material, such as magma or lava. The given rock sample does not indicate any signs of molten material, so it is unlikely to be an igneous rock.

Based on the characteristics described above, the correct answer would be option "b": sedimentary. Sedimentary rocks are formed from the accumulation and compaction of sediments, which matches the components present in the rock sample provided.

If you are still uncertain, I would suggest reviewing your class notes or textbook for additional information on the characteristics and formation of different rock types to help solidify your understanding.