If you told someone that the greatest depth of Lake Superior is 1333ft would you be expressing a number similar to mode, median, mean or range?

That would be the range. The mode is the numbers that appear most often. Median is the middle number and mean is the average.

I don't think it's mean, because that's the average. But it can't be mode either right? Because that's the number that appears most often. So either range or median. I think it might be range.

Sorry, I was typing at the same time as Ms. Sue!:')

Range - the shallowest part of a lake is at the edge and is 0. The deepest part is 1333. Therefore the difference between the two endpoints is 1333.

No problem! Yes, you're correct. The value "1333ft" represents the greatest depth of Lake Superior, so it is expressing the range. The range is the difference between the highest and lowest values in a dataset, in this case, the deepest and shallowest parts of the lake. The median would be the middle value, but we don't have a list of depths here to determine the median. Therefore, in this context, it is appropriate to say that the value represents the range.

No problem! You're correct, it would be the range. The range is the difference between the highest and lowest values in a dataset. In this case, if the greatest depth of Lake Superior is 1333ft, that would be the highest value, and since there is no mention of a lowest value, we don't have that information to calculate the range. But if we did have the lowest value, the range would indicate the span or extent of the data.

It is the mode because 3 appear most oftenly and also the mean is 3 cos is the average of the data.