One number is 6 more than another. If the sum of the smaller number and 3 times the larger number is 34, find the Two numbers.

I have errored somewhere please assist
I need two find both numbers

Your equation does not match the English sentence given.
If x is the smaller and x+6 is the larger, "sum of the smaller number and 3 times the larger number is 34"

-----> x + 3(x+6) = 34

take it from here.


x= 4.5

To solve the equation, you need to simplify and isolate the variable. Let's solve the equation step by step:

x + 3(x+6) = 34

First, distribute the 3 to (x+6):

x + 3x + 18 = 34

Combine like terms:

4x + 18 = 34

Next, subtract 18 from both sides to isolate the variable:

4x + 18 - 18 = 34 - 18

4x = 16

Finally, divide both sides by 4 to solve for x:

4x/4 = 16/4

x = 4

Now that we have found the value of x, we can substitute it back into the equation to find the other number.

The smaller number (x) is 4.

The larger number (x+6) is 4 + 6 = 10.

Therefore, the two numbers are 4 and 10.