What ions are very important for the proper fuctioning of biological systems such as nerves and cells?

A)alkali earth metals
B)hydrogen ions
C)oxygen ions
D)nitride ions
E)alkali metal ions

my choice is A or C
can anyone help?

To determine which ions are important for the proper functioning of biological systems such as nerves and cells, we can analyze each option and consider their roles in these systems.

A) Alkali earth metals: While some alkali earth metals such as magnesium (Mg2+) are essential for certain biological processes, they are not the primary ions involved in the functioning of nerves and cells.

B) Hydrogen ions: Hydrogen ions (H+) play a crucial role in maintaining the pH balance of cells and regulating various enzymatic reactions. However, they are not the primary ions involved in the functioning of nerves and cells.

C) Oxygen ions: Oxygen ions (O2-, O2+, etc.) are not involved in nerve and cell functioning. Oxygen itself is crucial for respiration, but its ions do not have a specific role in these biological systems.

D) Nitride ions: Nitride ions (N3-) are not involved in nerve and cell functioning. Nitrogen itself is essential for the synthesis of biomolecules like proteins and nucleic acids, but its ions do not have a specific role in these biological systems.

E) Alkali metal ions: Alkali metal ions, such as sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), and calcium (Ca2+), are very important for the proper functioning of nerves and cells. They participate in nerve impulse transmission, muscle contractions, and maintaining the electrochemical balance across cell membranes.

Given the options, the correct answer would be E) alkali metal ions.