1. Which rule is correct for the following: 2,8,20,44

a. yx2+2
b. y+4x2
c. y+3x3
d. y+2x2

2. Which fraction does not belong in the pattern? 1/5, 2/10, 3/15, 4/25

it is D. i believe.

the pattern of the first three in 2 it can be reduced to 1/5 (all of them). The last one cannot be reduced to 1/5

To find the correct rule for the given sequence 2, 8, 20, 44, we need to look for a pattern or relationship between the numbers.

If we examine the sequence closely, we can notice that each number is obtained by multiplying the previous number by a certain value and then adding another value.

2 * 4 + 0 = 8
8 * 2 + 4 = 20
20 * 2 + 4 = 44

Therefore, the rule can be expressed as "multiply the previous number by 2 and add 4".

Now let's see which of the provided options matches this rule:
a. yx2 + 2: This option includes an additional term "+ 2", which does not match our rule.
b. y + 4x2: This option includes "4x2" instead of "2x2" from our rule, so it is not correct.
c. y + 3x3: This option does not match our rule either, as it includes "3x3" instead of "2x2".
d. y + 2x2: This option matches our rule exactly, as it includes "2x2" and "y" from our rule.

Therefore, option d. y + 2x2 is correct for the given sequence 2, 8, 20, 44.

For the second question, we have the fraction sequence 1/5, 2/10, 3/15, 4/25. We need to determine which fraction does not belong in the pattern.

If we simplify each fraction, we can see that all of them can be reduced to 1/5:

1/5 = 1/5
2/10 = 1/5
3/15 = 1/5
4/25 = 1/5

However, the last fraction 4/25 cannot be further simplified and remains as 4/25. So, the fraction 4/25 does not belong in the pattern as it cannot be reduced to 1/5 like the other fractions.

Therefore, the correct answer is the fourth fraction, 4/25.