Life is full of choices, so I must learn to make good ones.

What is your question about this sentence? More on identifying verbs? If so, there are three of them. Tell us what you think, and we'll give you feedback.


Cynthia, that is an excellent idea, but we don't see a question here that we can help you with.

Life is full of choices so I must learn to make good ones

Thank you for your response. My question about the sentence "Life is full of choices, so I must learn to make good ones." is related to identifying the verbs in the sentence.

In this particular sentence, there are two verbs: "is" and "must learn."

1. "Is" is a linking verb that connects the subject "Life" to the subject complement "full of choices." It shows a state of being or existence.

2. "Must learn" is a compound verb consisting of the modal verb "must" and the base form of the verb "learn." It expresses a necessity or obligation.

I hope this explanation helps in identifying the verbs in the given sentence!