what actually is the effect of these named gases on the ecosystem, health, human, flora anad fauna. here are the gases H2S, CL2, SO2, NH3, SPM and HCN.

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Hopefully something below will help you:

1. http://www.physicalgeography.net/fundamentals/7h.html

2. http://www.pewclimate.org/global-warming-basics/full_glossary/terms_d.cfm (good Glossary)

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I apologize for the inconvenience caused. I'll provide you with a brief explanation of the effects of each of the gases you mentioned on the ecosystem, health, human, flora, and fauna.

1. Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S):
- Effect on ecosystem: H2S can impact aquatic ecosystems by reducing oxygen levels and harming fish and other aquatic organisms.
- Health effects: Exposure to high levels of H2S can cause irritation to the eyes, nose, and throat. It can also lead to headaches, dizziness, nausea, and in extreme cases, loss of consciousness and even death.
- Impact on human health: Long-term exposure to low levels can lead to respiratory issues and neurological disorders.
- Flora and fauna: H2S exposure can harm vegetation and be toxic to animals, especially fish and marine life.

2. Chlorine (Cl2):
- Effect on ecosystem: Chlorine can have toxic effects on aquatic life, particularly fish and other organisms in water bodies.
- Health effects: Inhalation of chlorine gas can cause respiratory irritation, coughing, and difficulty breathing. High levels can be fatal.
- Impact on human health: Prolonged exposure to chlorine can cause skin and eye irritation, respiratory problems, and potentially damage to the nervous system.
- Flora and fauna: Chlorine can be harmful to plants and can lead to the destruction of ecosystems when it gets into water bodies.

3. Sulfur Dioxide (SO2):
- Effect on ecosystem: SO2 emissions can cause acid rain, which can lead to the acidification of soils and water bodies. This can harm plants, fish, and other aquatic life.
- Health effects: Breathing in SO2 can irritate the respiratory system and worsen existing respiratory conditions such as asthma.
- Impact on human health: Prolonged exposure to SO2 can cause respiratory issues, cardiovascular problems, and other respiratory illnesses like bronchitis.
- Flora and fauna: SO2 can have damaging effects on plants, leading to reduced crop yields and forest decline. It can also harm animals and aquatic life.

4. Ammonia (NH3):
- Effect on ecosystem: High levels of ammonia can have harmful effects on aquatic ecosystems, leading to oxygen depletion and the death of fish and other organisms.
- Health effects: Ammonia can cause irritation to the respiratory system, eyes, and skin. It can also exacerbate existing respiratory conditions.
- Impact on human health: Prolonged exposure to ammonia can lead to respiratory problems, lung damage, and in severe cases, death.
- Flora and fauna: Ammonia can have detrimental effects on plants, particularly sensitive vegetation. It can also be toxic to animals, especially aquatic life.

5. Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM):
- Effect on ecosystem: SPM can contribute to air pollution, leading to reduced visibility and potentially harming vegetation.
- Health effects: Inhalation of SPM can cause respiratory issues, eye irritation, and allergies. Fine particulate matter can also penetrate deep into the lungs and can have long-term health impacts.
- Impact on human health: Long-term exposure to high levels of SPM can increase the risk of respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, such as asthma and heart attacks.
- Flora and fauna: SPM deposition on leaves can reduce the effectiveness of photosynthesis and can affect plant growth. It can also impact the respiratory systems of animals.

6. Hydrogen Cyanide (HCN):
- Effect on ecosystem: HCN is highly toxic and can have severe effects on the ecosystem, leading to the death of plants and animals.
- Health effects: Inhalation of HCN can lead to headaches, dizziness, nausea, and in high concentrations, it can result in loss of consciousness and death.
- Impact on human health: HCN is a highly poisonous gas that can cause severe harm to human health, including respiratory issues, cardiovascular problems, and neurological damage.
- Flora and fauna: HCN is extremely toxic to plants and animals, and exposure to high levels can lead to the death of vegetation and animals.

It is important to note that the severity of the effects of these gases can vary depending on the concentration, exposure duration, and individual susceptibility.