I've had problems in the past with MLA format as far as writing and I was wondering what was wrong with this work cited entry...

Kenyone, Jane. "Let Evening Come." Collected Poems. St. Paul, Minnesota: Graywolf Press. 1990.

The Collected Poems is underlined but I can't do it on this website

I would agree.

The only problem I see is that there needs to be a comma after "Press" instead of a period.


To properly format the MLA citation for this work, you should follow these guidelines:

Author's Last Name, First Name. "Title of Poem." Title of Book. City of Publication, Publisher, Year of Publication.

Based on this guideline, the corrected citation for the work you provided would be:

Kenyon, Jane. "Let Evening Come." Collected Poems. St. Paul, Minnesota: Graywolf Press, 1990.

The key points to remember are that the author's last name comes first, followed by the first name. The title of the poem should be enclosed in quotation marks, while the title of the book should be italicized or underlined. The city of publication should be followed by a comma, and then the publisher's name. Finally, the year of publication should be included at the end.

Since you mentioned that you cannot underline the book title on this website, you can italicize it instead. In typewritten documents, the standard practice is to italicize the title of the book. However, if you are handwriting the citation, you can underline the title instead.