WHAT IS 87578847+788768x985985-75875+6474=

see my other post on the Google calculator.

i know this was before you said that

To solve the expression 87578847+788768x985985-75875+6474, you can first perform the multiplication, then addition and subtraction in order. Let's break it down step by step:

1. Start by multiplying: 788768 multiplied by 985985. The result of this multiplication is 777691897280.

2. Now, rewrite the expression with the multiplication result: 87578847 + 777691897280 - 75875 + 6474.

3. Next, perform the additions and subtractions left to right:
- Add 87578847 and 777691897280, which gives 777779476127.
- Subtract 75875 from the previous result, which gives 777779400252.
- Finally, add 6474 to the previous result, resulting in 777779406726.

Therefore, the expression 87578847+788768x985985-75875+6474 equals 777779406726.

If you would like to verify the answer using Google Calculator, you can simply enter the expression "87578847+788768*985985-75875+6474" in the search bar and it will display the result as 777779406726.