what are key features of social change? What are some examples of social movements?

These sites should be of help with this question.



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To understand the key features of social change and examples of social movements, you can use the following steps:

1. Start by visiting the Wikipedia page on social movement at "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_movement." This page provides a comprehensive overview of social movements, including their key features and characteristics.

2. Look for headings or sections on the Wikipedia page that discuss the key features of social change. These features may include characteristics such as collective action, shared goals, mobilization, and social transformation.

3. Read through the information provided under each heading to gain an understanding of the key features of social change.

4. Take notes or mentally make a list of the key features that are mentioned. These features will provide you with a clear understanding of what defines social change.

5. Next, visit the website "http://www.wsu.edu/~amerstu/smc/smcframe.html" (Broken link removed) to explore examples of social movements. This website provides a list of various social movements throughout history.

6. Look for a section or page on the website that lists examples of social movements. This section may provide details about different movements such as the Civil Rights Movement, Women's Suffrage Movement, LGBTQ+ Rights Movement, Environmental Movement, and many more.

7. Read through the examples listed on the website and familiarize yourself with the movements mentioned. Take note of the key events, goals, and achievements of each movement.

By following these steps and using the provided resources, you should be able to find the key features of social change and gain knowledge about several examples of social movements.