A video games price was 90$. The store offered 10% discount. How much did a costumer pay if there was a 8% sales tax on the selling price?

10% of $90 = a (90 x .10)

$90 - a = b

b x .08 = sales tax

To add to what Writeacher said,

Multiply b x 1.08 and that will give you the total price. That will save you a step.


To calculate the cost after a 10% discount on a $90 video game, you can follow these steps:

1. Calculate 10% of $90:
10% of $90 = $90 x 0.10 = $9
This gives you the amount of discount.

2. Subtract the discount from the original price to get the discounted price:
$90 - $9 = $81
So after the 10% discount, the video game costs $81.

3. Now, to calculate the sales tax of 8% on the discounted price, you can follow these steps:

a. Calculate 8% of $81:
8% of $81 = $81 x 0.08 = $6.48
This gives you the amount of sales tax.

b. Add the sales tax to the discounted price to get the total cost:
$81 + $6.48 = $87.48
So the customer paid $87.48 for the video game after the 10% discount and 8% sales tax.