Please do help in providing solution to this question, thanks:

Write a Fortran program that requests for three numbers from the keyboard, subtracts 48 from their sum and then divides the result by 6 before sending the output to the screen.In the input statement, let the program use the following specification for the three numbers: length is 8, decimal places are 3. The output should be unformatted.

This should be fairly straight forward.

Your program will do the following steps:

1) Ask the user to type in 3 numbers. It would be easier to have them enter them in 3 different input fields.

2) Add the numbers together to get the sum.

3) Subtract 48 from the number. Enter that amount as the new variable.

4) Divide the variable by 6 then use the Print command to show it on the screen and use those length and decimal place restrictions on it...however that is done in Fortran.


Sure! Here's an example Fortran program that meets the requirements you mentioned:

program calculate
implicit none
real :: num1, num2, num3, sum, result

! Ask the user to enter three numbers
write(*, '(A)', advance="no") "Enter number 1: "
read(*,*) num1

write(*, '(A)', advance="no") "Enter number 2: "
read(*,*) num2

write(*, '(A)', advance="no") "Enter number 3: "
read(*,*) num3

! Calculate the sum
sum = num1 + num2 + num3

! Subtract 48 from the sum
result = (sum - 48.0) / 6.0

! Print the result with the specified format
write(*, '(F8.3)') result

end program calculate

In this program, we declare the variables `num1`, `num2`, and `num3` as real numbers to hold the user's input. We also declare the variables `sum` and `result` as real numbers to hold intermediate and final calculations.

We then use the `write` statement to prompt the user to enter the three numbers, and the `read` statement to read the user's input into the variables `num1`, `num2`, and `num3`.

Next, we calculate the sum of the three numbers by adding them together and store the result in the `sum` variable.

We then subtract 48 from the sum and divide the result by 6 to get the final result, which is stored in the `result` variable.

Finally, we use the `write` statement with the format specifier `(F8.3)` to print the `result` variable to the screen in unformatted format, with a total field width of 8 and 3 decimal places.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.