Directions:Solve and explain the inequality using words.Tell which wa shading goes.

2x>-4 and x-4<=2


x-4<= 2
x<= 6

on a number line (i'm guessing)a open circle would be on -2 going in the positive direction and a closed circle on 6 going in a negative direction. Since the lines overlap it would be a segment between -2 and 6

To solve the inequality 2x > -4, we need to isolate the variable x. First, we divide both sides of the inequality by 2 to get x > -2.

For the inequality x - 4 <= 2, we need to isolate the variable x as well. Adding 4 to both sides gives us x <= 6.

When representing these inequalities on a number line, we use an open circle to represent -2 and a closed circle to represent 6. Since the line overlaps between -2 and 6, we shade the segment between -2 and 6 to represent the solution of the inequality.

To summarize, the solution to the inequality 2x > -4 is x > -2, and the solution to the inequality x - 4 <= 2 is x <= 6. We can represent the solution on a number line by using an open circle at -2 and a closed circle at 6, and shading the segment between them.