How do you explain to someone who is not computer savvy how general model of telecommunication works?

Wouldn't this depend on the particular model? If you are not aware, there have been many general models of telecommunications. It sells texbooks..

To explain the general model of telecommunication to someone who is not computer savvy, you can start by breaking it down into simpler terms. Here is a general explanation:

1. Sender: Imagine you have a message that you want to send to someone. In telecommunication, this person is called the sender. The sender might want to communicate through various means such as a phone call, email, or even a video chat.

2. Encoding: Before the message can be transmitted, it needs to be encoded into a format that can be understood by both the sender and the receiver. This is similar to how we use a language or code to communicate with others.

3. Transmission: Once the message is encoded, it needs to be sent across a medium or channel. In the case of telecommunication, this could be through various means like telephone lines, fiber optic cables, satellites, or wireless networks.

4. Reception: On the receiving end, the message needs to be decoded back into a format understandable by the recipient. This is done through a process called decoding, which reverses the encoding process used by the sender.

5. Receiver: The person who receives the message is called the receiver. They can then interpret the message and understand its content.

By following these steps, information can be transmitted across distances, allowing people to communicate with each other even if they are not physically present in the same location.

It's worth mentioning that the specifics of telecommunication can vary depending on the technology used, the type of message being transmitted, and the medium of communication. However, this general model provides a simplified overview of how telecommunication works.