A child is waving a wet paint brush in the air, the teacher should:

1. tolerate the behavior as an
expression of childhood exuberance.

2. remind the child of the rules in
the art center.

3. use this situation as an
opportunity to teach splatter

4. consider this behavior a creative
use of the materials.

Would #2 be the correct answer.
"Remind him of the rules"

correct. This is a safety hazard for the eyes of nearby students.

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. It would be common sense to select #2. With #1 and paint on the brush there could be eye damage. Number 3 is an excellent option AFTER disruptive behaviour is controlled. #4 and if the paint is directed toward a "canvas" it could be creatively creating a splatter painting!

Yes, option #2, which is "remind the child of the rules in the art center," would be the correct answer. This is because waving a wet paintbrush in the air can be considered a safety hazard for the eyes of nearby students. By reminding the child of the rules, the teacher is addressing the behavior and promoting safety in the art center.

Option #1, which is "tolerate the behavior as an expression of childhood exuberance," may not be the best choice because it does not address the safety concern.

Option #3, which is "use this situation as an opportunity to teach splatter painting," could be a valid choice but only after the disruptive behavior is controlled. It would not be appropriate to encourage the child's behavior without addressing the safety issue first.

Option #4, which is "consider this behavior a creative use of the materials," may not be the best choice as it does not address the safety concern and does not provide guidance for appropriate behavior in the art center.

Ultimately, the correct answer would depend on the specific rules and guidelines set by the teacher and the school. However, in general, option #2 would prioritize safety and address the behavior effectively.