why are the early groups of Native Americans called prehistoric?

They are called prehistoric because the early groups of Native Americans didn't have a written language. History is written -- so anything that happens that is before the use of writing is prehistoric (before written history).

To find the answer to why the early groups of Native Americans are called prehistoric, we need to understand the term "prehistoric" and its definition in the context of history.

1. Define "Prehistoric":
Prehistoric refers to a time period before the development of written records or documentation. It signifies a time period in human history when there was little to no written language that existed or survived.

2. Identify Native American Groups:
Native Americans are the indigenous peoples of the Americas, including North, Central, and South America. There were numerous different Native American groups throughout history, each with their own specific cultures, languages, and histories.

3. Lack of Written Language:
The early groups of Native Americans are called prehistoric because they did not have a system of writing or a written language to record their history and document their activities. Without written records, it becomes challenging for historians and researchers to study and interpret their past.

4. Oral Tradition and Archaeological Evidence:
Despite the absence of written records, historians and anthropologists have pieced together the history of early Native American groups through other means. They rely on oral tradition, which includes stories, myths, and legends passed down through generations. Additionally, archaeological evidence, such as artifacts, fossils, tools, and structures, provides insights into their daily lives, practices, and cultural evolution.

5. Transition to Historic Period:
As time progressed, certain Native American groups developed written languages and entered the historic period. The distinction between prehistoric and historic periods is not based on a specific date but rather the introduction of writing systems. Once a group or society begins recording their history through writing, it falls into the realm of historical records rather than being considered prehistoric.

In conclusion, the early groups of Native Americans are called prehistoric because they lacked a written language, making it difficult to study their history through written records. However, researchers can still learn about these groups through oral traditions and archaeological evidence.