Find the area of each figure


To find the area of a figure, you need to know what specific figure you are referring to. There are different formulas for calculating the area of different shapes. Here are some common geometric shapes and their corresponding area formulas:

1. Square:
- Area = side length * side length (A = s^2)

2. Rectangle:
- Area = length * width (A = l * w)

3. Triangle:
- Area = (base * height) / 2 (A = (b * h) / 2)

4. Circle:
- Area = π * radius^2 (A = π * r^2)

5. Trapezoid:
- Area = (base1 + base2) * height / 2 (A = (b1 + b2) * h / 2)

6. Parallelogram:
- Area = base * height (A = b * h)

If you provide information about the specific figure you want to find the area of, I can help you further by using the corresponding formula.