I need help unscrambling this sentence, it is a fact about force.

fox enters pine den crosswise

This one is a fact about work.

domestic rice skin software

Please Help!!!
Thank you

need help unscrambling this sentence, it is a fact about force.

fox enters pine den crosswise

This one is a fact about work.

domestic rice skin software

Please Help!!!
Thank you

fox enters pine den crosswise is


Domestic rice skin software


geeze i came to this site for help, and i wound up helping.


To unscramble the sentence, "fox enters pine den crosswise," you can start by rearranging the letters until you form words that make sense. Here's the step-by-step process to unscramble it:

1. Start by looking for any obvious words that can be formed. In this case, "den" stands out.

2. Next, try to find the remaining words by rearranging the remaining letters. Possibilities include "fox," "enters," and "pine."

3. After rearranging the letters, you can form the sentence: "The fox enters the den crosswise."

Now, let's move on to unscrambling the sentence, "domestic rice skin software." Follow the same process to unravel this fact about work:

1. Look for any obvious words. In this case, "rice" and "skin" can be identified.

2. Rearrange the remaining letters to form the words "domestic" and "software."

3. Once rearranged, the sentence becomes: "Software is a domestic work skill."

By following these steps, you should be able to unscramble the given sentences and reveal the hidden facts about force and work.