Please unscramble this word snagenhhi

P.s it's a type of snake and its found in NorthAmerica

I checked this list of North American snakes and didn't find any with two h's in its name.

if the h's are k's, then king snake fits the letters.

To unscramble the word "snagenhhi" and find the name of a snake found in North America, you can try rearranging the letters. In this case, since the word is supposed to represent a type of snake, it would be helpful to consult a list of North American snakes to see if any match the given letters.

However, after searching through a list of North American snakes, it seems that there isn't a specific snake with the arrangement of letters "snagenhhi." It's possible that the given word may be misspelled or not correspond to a known snake species.

If we assume that the two h's in the word are actually k's, then the resulting word would be "snakenigh" or "snekingahi." Unfortunately, these arrangements don't match any known snake species as well. Please double-check the spelling and if possible, provide any additional information that may help narrow down the possibilities.