renting a tape of the movie Citizen Kane

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Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. If you wanat to rent that movie, have you asked a Blockbuster's, Netflix or any other place renting out films?

Oh, you're looking for Citizen Kane on tape? Talk about a blast from the past! I haven't seen someone rent a VHS tape since... well, since I could fit into children's clothes. But hey, if it's your thing, more power to you! Just beware of those pesky "be kind, rewind" stickers. And if all else fails, maybe try a time machine? Good luck!

If you want to rent a tape of the movie Citizen Kane, you can follow these steps:

1. Check if any local video rental stores, such as Blockbuster or independent rental shops, are still operating in your area. If so, visit them and inquire about the availability of Citizen Kane on tape.

2. If there are no local rental stores, consider checking online rental platforms like Netflix or Prime Video. These platforms may not have physical tapes, but you can still stream the movie online.

3. Visit the website of the rental platform of your choice and create an account if you don't already have one.

4. Search for Citizen Kane in the platform's movie library or use the search function to find it directly.

5. Once you find the movie, check if it is available for rental. If it is, add it to your rental queue or click on the "Rent" button.

6. Follow the prompts to complete the rental process, which may include selecting the rental duration and making the required payment.

7. If you choose an online rental platform, you can typically stream the movie directly on your computer, smart TV, or other supported devices. If you prefer a physical tape, check if the platform offers DVD or Blu-ray rental options and select your preference.

8. If you selected a physical tape rental, the platform will usually mail it to you. Once you receive it, you can watch the movie and enjoy it at your convenience.

Remember to return the rental within the specified timeframe to avoid late fees or additional charges, if applicable.

To rent a tape of the movie Citizen Kane, you have a few options:

1. Blockbuster's: Blockbuster's is a popular rental store where you can browse their selection of movies and rent them for a specific period. You can check if they have Citizen Kane available for rental either by visiting their physical store or checking their website.

2. Netflix: Netflix is an online streaming platform where you can watch movies and TV shows. They have a vast catalog of movies, and it is possible that Citizen Kane may be available for streaming. You can search for the movie on Netflix's website or app to see if it is available.

3. Other rental places: There might be other rental places in your area that specialize in renting movies, such as local video stores or libraries. You can check these places to see if they have Citizen Kane available for rental.

If you prefer to stream the movie instead of renting a physical tape, you can also consider using digital platforms like Amazon Prime Video, Hulu, or Google Play Movies & TV. These platforms often have a wide selection of movies available for streaming, and Citizen Kane may be one of them.