Identify any references to volcanoes, earthquakes, or the relationship of humans to these forces of nature in the Klickitat legend.

please help...thanks

Look at the last story at this site:

Then check this site.

To identify any references to volcanoes, earthquakes, or the relationship of humans to these forces of nature in the Klickitat legend, you can follow these steps:

1. Visit the website link provided:

2. Once on the website, locate and read the last story mentioned. It should provide you with the information you are looking for regarding the Klickitat legend and its references to volcanoes, earthquakes, or the relationship of humans to these forces of nature.

3. After reading the story, take note of any specific details or descriptions that mention volcanoes, earthquakes, or the relationship between humans and these natural forces.

4. If you need further information or want to explore the topic in more detail, visit the second website link provided:

5. On the second website, you will find information about Mount St. Helens, which is a volcano known for its eruption in 1980. Explore the website to learn more about the volcanic activity, earthquakes, and their effects on the surrounding area.

By following these steps and examining the provided sources, you should be able to identify any references to volcanoes, earthquakes, or the relationship of humans to these forces of nature in the Klickitat legend.