What is the equation i have to use for the following question

A roof rises 9.75 ft over a horizontal distance of 15.84ft. What is the slope of the roof to the nearest hundredth?

Slope is given by


So what is the rise and what is the run?

To find the slope of the roof, you need to determine the rise and the run. The rise refers to the vertical change or height, while the run refers to the horizontal change or distance.

In this case, the given information tells you that the roof rises 9.75 ft over a horizontal distance of 15.84 ft. So, in this scenario, the rise is 9.75 ft, and the run is 15.84 ft.

Using the formula for slope, which is slope = rise/run, you can substitute the values:

slope = 9.75 ft / 15.84 ft.

Now you can divide 9.75 by 15.84 to find the slope.