I need info on the formation, benefits, and detriments of the european union. I stayed up all night looking for this stuff, and the only thing i can find is the formation, and maybe a little bit of benefits-i think-but i have to have a 3-pg essay done tomorrow. help me pleeaaseee, i cant look up anything else

You've probably found this one, but have you checked out all the external links and other things at the bottom of the webpage, in addition to this article's information?

Here's a collection on the benefits of the EU:

There a few in here re: the detriments; pick and choose carefully.

I understand that you are looking for information on the formation, benefits, and detriments of the European Union for your essay. It can be frustrating when you're not finding the information you need, but I'm here to help you find more sources.

Firstly, it's a great start that you have already looked into the Wikipedia page on the European Union (EU). This page often provides a good overview and can be a valuable source of information. However, it's important to note that Wikipedia should be used as a starting point and not the sole source of your research.

One suggestion I have is to make sure you explore the external links provided on the Wikipedia page. These links can lead you to more in-depth and reliable sources of information about the EU's formation, benefits, and detriments.

Additionally, you can try searching for articles, academic papers, or books on the subject. One way to do this is by using a search engine like Google. For example, you can search for "European Union benefits" or "European Union detriments" to find more specific information on those topics.

When searching, it's crucial to evaluate the sources you come across. Consider the credibility and expertise of the author or organization providing the information. Look for peer-reviewed articles or sources from reputable institutions or experts in the field.

Remember to take notes as you go along and keep track of your sources. This will help you in writing your essay and to correctly cite your information.

Overall, the key to finding more information is to explore different sources beyond Wikipedia, like academic papers, books, or articles from reputable sources. This will enable you to gather more data on the formation, benefits, and detriments of the European Union for your essay.