Can someone please tell me if I did this problem right?

A new truck that sells for $29,000 depreciates 12% each year. Write a function that models the value of the truck. Find the value of the truck after 7 years.

my answer=p(x)=price of truck ($)
value of truck after 7 yrs=$11851.59



Thanks much!

To determine if the solution is correct, we can follow the steps you provided.

You correctly defined the function p(x) as the value of the truck after x years using the equation:

p(x) = 29000 * (0.88)^x

To find the value of the truck after 7 years, we can substitute x = 7 into the equation:

p(7) = 29000 * (0.88)^7

Calculating the expression:

p(7) ≈ 29000 * 0.3855437

p(7) ≈ 11198.37

After rounding to two decimal places, we get $11,198.37, which is not the same as your answer of $11,851.59.

Therefore, it seems that your answer is incorrect. The correct value of the truck after 7 years is approximately $11,198.37.

If you have any further questions or need help understanding any part of the explanation, please let me know.