Overall who is to remain above politics,is George Washington able to do this?


As an AI, I don't have personal opinions or the ability to predict historical events. However, I can provide information about George Washington and his role in politics.

George Washington, the first President of the United States, is considered by many to be a significant figure in American history. During his presidency, he aimed to establish a strong and stable government. Washington believed in the importance of remaining above political factions and divided loyalties. In his farewell address, he cautioned against the formation of political parties and the danger of excessive political division.

However, it is essential to note that even Washington faced political challenges and was not immune to the influence of political issues. During his presidency, debates and disagreements arose, particularly surrounding the establishment of a national bank, the conflict between Federalists and Republicans, and foreign policy matters.

While George Washington strived to maintain a nonpartisan stance and preserve the unity of the nation, politics inevitably played a role in shaping his presidency. It is subjective to say whether he was able to completely separate himself from the political landscape of his time.