How many moles of H2SO4 are needed to prepare 5.0 liters of 2.0M solution of H2SO4?

a. 5.0
b. 10
c. 2.5
d. 20

Go back to the definition of molarity.
M = #mols/L

is the answer d

If M = # mols/L, then
L x M = #mols.
5.0L x 2.0M = 10 mols.

d. 20

The answer is b. 10

The correct answer is b) 10.

To determine the number of moles of H2SO4 needed to prepare a 2.0M solution in 5.0 liters, we can use the formula M = #mols/L.

We are given that the solution has a molarity (M) of 2.0M, and the volume (L) is 5.0.

Multiplying the molarity (2.0M) by the volume (5.0L) gives us:

2.0M * 5.0L = 10 moles.

Therefore, to prepare a 5.0 liter solution of 2.0M H2SO4, we need 10 moles of H2SO4, making the correct answer b) 10.