Describe an application for the use of ratios or proportions that is not mentioned in your text, or describe how an application problem in the text could be useful in your daily life.

"Help" is not a subject, as far as I know. This is a math question.


It is difficult to suggest further applications, if we do not know what applications are "mentioned in your text."

Since we know little about your daily life, it would be difficult — if not impossible — to help you with the last alternative. Possibly you could compare weights, ages or heights of yourself and family members or friends.

I hope this helps a little. Thanks for asking.

Describe some coping mechanisms you developed in MAT 115 that you can use for your next math course.

An application for the use of ratios or proportions that is not mentioned in your text could be in cooking or baking recipes. Ratios and proportions are often used in recipe measurements to ensure that the right balance of ingredients is maintained. For example, a recipe might call for a ratio of 2 parts flour to 1 part sugar, or a proportion of 1 cup flour to 1/2 cup sugar. By understanding and using these ratios and proportions, you can adjust the quantities of ingredients based on the number of servings you want to make or the size of the baking dish you are using. This can be particularly helpful if you want to double or halve a recipe, or if you have a specific dietary requirement that requires adjusting ingredient amounts. Understanding ratios and proportions in cooking and baking can help you create delicious and properly balanced meals and treats.